Review: Marvel Champions
Marvel superheroes have become a pop culture phenomenon, rocketing skyward largely thanks to the MCU.→
Marvel superheroes have become a pop culture phenomenon, rocketing skyward largely thanks to the MCU.→
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from TV and movies, it’s that hacking isn’t easy.→
Journey once again to the land of Vigil, where you and your opponents recruit heroes→
In the continuing saga that began with Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer, our heroes have→
This is why you always shut the door. Someone left open the Gateway. That is,→
While some question the decision of Renegade Games to hold back the announcement of Clank!→
I hope your summer vacations are going as well as mine. For three glorious weeks→
Thanks to my gaming buddy Nathan for reminding me that games from way before the→
With March Madness winding down, it’s time to focus on our national pastime. Of course,→
While the month of March means a frenzy of college basketball games to determine a→
My Sunday Funday included gaming with friends and the strangest ending to an Oscars broadcast→
A Look at the Unique Mechanics in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle A guest post by Kylo→
What is it? Dominion meets Scrabble The deets: 2-5 players, 45 minutes Designer: Tim Fowers Publisher: Self-published Paperback→
What is it? A deckbuilder, where you change your cards instead of adding and removing→
What is it? More Ascension The deets: 2-4 players, 30min Designer: Gary Arant, Justin Gary Publisher: Stone→
I’m excited to announce that iSlaytheDragon.com is now offering #bitspread commissions to game publishers and→
Since I can’t make it to Origins, I’m living vicariously through the #origins2016 hashtag on→
I’m not happy that the weather went from mild to scorching hot this weekend, but→
I consider myself a fortunate man when it comes to my gaming life: I have→
I’m back from Japan, suffering from jet lag, and getting acclimated to being home, which→
Konichiwa! Your friendly neighborhood board games news guy is currently in Japan with a belly→
How was everybody’s Halloween? My night could not have been any better: my wife scored→
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Sharpen your blades and gather your armies, boys and girls, because we’ve got some→
Step, if you dare, into the unique, fantasy world where something has gone terribly wrong:→
Are you someone who enjoys sword and sorcery? How about throwing around handfuls of dice, and hearing→
Its our latest episode of Under the Table, and we’re talking about the game with→
Welcome to the third installment of our Shelf Wear series. We began this series with→
Alchemy: where magic begins to approach science. What is the difference between Chemistry and Alchemy?→
Thank goodness those roving barbarians are gone. Now we can focus on building. Our empire→
I received the following press release from Stronghold Games: Somerset, NJ and Rochester, NY – March→
The galaxy is up for grabs. It’s up to you, an opportunist minor warlord, to→
There you stand – just as hundreds of commanders before you have in times gone→