Review: The Way of the Bear
If you want to be King of the Bears, there are tests to pass. You→
If you want to be King of the Bears, there are tests to pass. You→
Hudson the Hedgehog is a little bit of a packrat. He likes to collect things,→
Cooperative kingdom buildingSteamforged Games announced the release of their new Ni no Kuni II board→
Dice in spaceRenegade Game Studios announced the publication of Circadians: First Light. The game of→
Carrying goods across the desert is not as easy as it looks. Despite the bird’s-eye→
It was easy enough in the past to tend to your own galactic gardens, assigning→
The earth’s resources are becoming exhausted, and despite all the talk about settling among the→
You’ve fled the Earth, and now you just want to rest. But building a new→
If board games as historiography are even a little bit accurate, I’m glad that I→
Yes, you have fire at your disposal, but very little else. You’ve gathered your clan→
New worlds, new technologies, new frontiers. The outer reaches of space are there for the→
Not a Viking this timeIn twist, CMON will release Walls of York this first quarter, in which you try→
I didn’t get to play as many games as I wanted to last month, so→
How was your International Tabletop Day? Tweet us with your favorite shots of the tabletop→
I usually talk about something board-game-related in my intro, but this time I’ll just link→
It’s here! Restoration Games announced/releases the look for the board in their upcoming reprint of→
This is the time of year when we talk about how fast this year’s gone→
Happy Monday, everybody! Hope your weekend was full of good gaming. Here’s the latest news→
Certainly not a waste Fantasy Flight Games will release Fallout later this year. The post-nuclear→
In modern board gaming we tend to have a short memory and a long wishlist. Of→
Thanks to my gaming buddy Nathan for reminding me that games from way before the→
Did everybody see that Amazon Go ad and immediately think about how it could be→
Dominion is my favorite game (and the one I’ve played the most), so I’m always excited→
Reminder: We’re less than a month away from the Extra Life event on November 5th.→
If you’re not with the rest of the world at Gen Con, come join me→
If you’re at Gen Con this week, share your stories and photos with me so→
Egypt can be a brutal land. State funerals, war, drought, and destruction seem around every→
This weekend I experienced the joys of writing on a game board, tearing up cards,→
So I finally took the plunge and played my first game of Mage Knight (with→
I’ll be live-tweeting this weekend from Gamex 2016, the second of three annual gaming conventions→
I consider myself a fortunate man when it comes to my gaming life: I have→
When Dominion: Guilds was released, there was great sadness among Dominion fans. Or gladness–depends on→