The Village Square: July 23, 2018
Out of fiction into reality This September, John Wick Presents will release Sweet Jenny. If→
Out of fiction into reality This September, John Wick Presents will release Sweet Jenny. If→
A whole new meaning to “print and play!” Fat Dragon Games has announced the release→
Our Gen Con coverage starts today so you’ll be able live vicariously through our staff’s→
Certainly not a waste Fantasy Flight Games will release Fallout later this year. Â The post-nuclear→
I hope your summer vacations are going as well as mine. For three glorious weeks→
GenCon Preview Well, with Origins wrapping up, you know what that means? 24 hours later→
It’s not the years, it’s the mileage Even after more than 20 years, the trans-formative→
I’ll be live-tweeting this weekend from Gamex 2016, the second of three annual gaming conventions→
In the annual game of Ruel’s Frenzied Last Minute Holiday Shopping Spree I’m happy to→
[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1425497797893{background-color: #f2f2f2 !important;}” el_class=”dragon_dialogue dragon_dialogue_left dragon_wolfie”][vc_column width=”1/6″ css=”.vc_custom_1424557322031{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left:→
Some things in life go unnoticed unless they’re awful. That’s often the case with board→
Another year, another Gencon. And what would gencon be without the slew of recaps so→
Normally the first thing I do at Gencon is walk the whole dealer hall just→
This contest is now closed. We announced the winners here. We’ve been tweeting about it→
Yesterday, FarmerLenny wrote up his experience at Gen Con, primarily regarding the games he played.→
Gen Con is billed as “the best four days in gaming,” and it must be→
NEWS…is a bit sparse this week, as I was at Gen Con (and not reading→
Exactly one year ago I started writing a weekly news post for iSlaytheDragon. When Futurewolfie→
Another week, another NEWS: UPDATE: Spiel des Jahres awarded to Hanabi, Kennerspiel des Jahres to→
So, the world’s largest hobby gaming convention is currently going on right now. And I’m→
Awards season is upon us, Mr. Lloyd! Here is the news: International Gamers Award Nominees→
I just barely made it to Gencon this year; with a series of financial,→
For those of us who had to live vicariously through GenCon attendees, this past week→
If you’re reading this post, there’s a good chance you’re not at Gencon. Â And good→
So you’ve got your boards packed up nicely (in Part 1), and your bits are→
It’s the holiday season, and for a lot of people, that means traveling. You’ve got→
Not to beat a dead horse, but since this was not my first run at→
On Thursday night after work, @Futurewolfie and I and our friend Blake piled into the→
Saturday night should have been an ideal time to game. My wife was having several→